Friday, February 10, 2012

"For those who came in late…"

January last year we had one of those events that put routine life on hold for a while. We got flooded.
Water up to 40 cms through most of the house, but my husband's and my workrooms were up a step, about 13 cms higher than the waterline. So they were OK, but the kiln shed had about 40-50 cms of floodwater in it, and my workroom rapidly had a large quantity of books and clothes being rescued from rising water piled into it.
Since then things have been a bit busy, the stuff stayed on my workbench and floor and display cases, the kilnshed stayed silty while I dealt with more immediate day to day needs.
Then I got a phonecall from a newspaper wanting to do a story about my pottery- and I hadn't done any for a year! Took a bit of time for careful thought and prayer, and rang back the reporter to say I'd go with it. That's it, committed to going back to work. So the workbench is clear again, most of the display space is displaying pottery (some still has an impromptu display of rescued books) the kiln shed is partially cleaned (silt scrubbed off vital places, rat's nest removed from kiln)… enough so that I was able to fire a bisque load yesterday.

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